Met Office Postcode Sector Weather Forecasts Free

Forecast data for the next 3 days and archived forecast data for the previous day, available in hourly, three-hourly and daily timesteps.

Met Office

⚠️ Proof of concept only this will be dynamically pulled from Snowflake Marketplace


We’ve developed weather Postcode Sector Data to help you excel in identifying weather impacts on your business and use this actionable intelligence to plan effectively and enhance your results.

What is in this product?

This product includes forecast data for the next 3 days and archived forecast data for the previous day, available in hourly, three-hourly and daily timesteps. It is limited to 20 UK postcode sectors (B1, BT1, S1, M1, NG1, NE1, CF1, E1, SE1, LE1, BS1, PE1, SW1, L1, N1, PO1, BN1, RG1, EH1, AB1), and includes a subset of parameters:

  • Temperature -

    Temperature, ‘Feels Like’ Temperature

  • Wind -

    Wind Speed, Wind Direction

  • Precipitation -

    Precipitation Amount, Precipitation

  • Cloud -

    Total cloud amount oktas, Visibility

  • Other -

    Weather Code, Daytime Nighttime

What is the Postcode Sector data set?

Model-generated hourly forecasts for up to 14 days. It’s available for postcode sectors (e.g. EX1 1) within the UK and Northern Ireland and larger cities in the Republic of Ireland. Provides information for over 80 parameters such as e.g. temperature, wind, rain, snow, solar, cloud and more.

Postcode Sector Data is created by blending together eight supercomputer Weather Prediction Models incorporating real-life surface, satellite cloud and radar rainfall observations. By combining models, we are able to cancel many of the errors out and produce better, more accurate forecasts.

To meet a variety of business needs Postcode Sector Data offers large number of weather parameters to choose from, including probabilistic and weather codes.

Postcode Sector Data offers a probability forecast for several parameters. This means we can express the uncertainties to the range of possible values of different parameters. Knowing the probability of certain weather events occurring will allow you to better assess risk and make informed decisions.

Further guidance

Iterative Service Development

The Met Office is excited to announce the release of our new dataset. We are committed to continuous improvement and iteration based on user feedback and usage patterns. As we gather insights and refine the service, we plan to enhance it further as we understand how users interact with the data. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of this dataset, and we appreciate your participation in this early stage.

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