Property: alternativeTitle
An alternative name used as a substitute or additional access point for an information resource.
URI: dct:alternative
Obligation and Cardinality
The table below details the classes which use this property and the conditions of its use.
Class | Range | Obligation | Cardinality |
CataloguedResource | String | Recommended | Many |
DataService | String | Recommended | Many |
Dataset | String | Recommended | Many |
Usage Notes
Using alternative title can assist retrieval and help to distinguish one resource from another, as users may be more familiar with an informal version of a title.
Do not confuse with
title: the name given to the resource and by which the resource is formally known;
Digital filenames or website titles.
Use alternative title for commonly-used titles of a resource other than the title. This could include title abbreviations, title aliases, assigned titles, or names by which a resource is commonly or informally known.
Alternative titles should be derived from the content of the resource, with special attention paid to the title page, and reflect how users would search for a resource.
Worth Report
Title: A future of choices, a choice of futures: report of the Commission on Education planning
Alternative Title: Worth Report (named after the head of the commission which wrote the report)
Assured Income
Title: Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped Regulations
Alternative Title: AISH Regulations
Family Size
Title (for a dataset): Family Size, UK, England and Wales, 2011
Alternative Title: Family Size
Include special characters such as quotations marks, apostrophes, and accented characters, e.g. Métis.
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema: