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Property: creator

The business entity responsible for creating or compiling the original content of an information resource.

URI: dct:creator

Obligation and Cardinality

The table below details the classes which use this property and the conditions of its use.

Class Range Obligation Cardinality
CataloguedResource OrganisationValues Mandatory Many
DataService OrganisationValues Mandatory Many
Dataset OrganisationValues Mandatory Many

Usage Notes


Provides context and identifies the defined authority responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of an information resource, thus supporting quality assurance of content and accountability for information resources.

Do not confuse with

  • contact: provides a contact point to obtain further information or provide feedback about a resource or its metadata.

  • contributor: makes a contribution to the content of a resource, but does not have primary responsibility.

  • issuing body: the business entity (department, agency, board, commission, etc.) responsible for making the resource publicly available.


A creator is almost always an organisation, not an individual. The contributor element can be used to identify specific individuals involved in the creation of the described resource. However, there may be rare occasions where the creator is an individual.

creator may be a department, agency, board, commission, or other entity of the UK Government, or a non-government entity under contract to the Government. The organisation name should be the official name, not an abbreviation or acronym. Do not include the names of organisation units such as divisions and/or branches.

creator is repeatable if more than one government department, agency, board, commission or other entity shared primary responsibility for the creation of the resource.

In the Government Data Catalogue context, creator and issuing body may be the same organisation but this may not always be the case.


  • Update guidance to use organisation slugs
  • Decide what to do about issuing body
  • Decide what to do about contributor

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

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