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Property: publisher

The business entity responsible for making an information resource publicly available.

URI: dct:publisher

Obligation and Cardinality

The table below details the classes which use this property and the conditions of its use.

Class Range Obligation Cardinality
CataloguedResource OrganisationValues Mandatory One
DataService OrganisationValues Mandatory One
Dataset OrganisationValues Mandatory One

Usage Notes


In the context of the Government Data Catalogue, the publisher is the department or other organisational entity responsible for the public release of the resource. Use of publisher supports the assignment of accountability for accuracy of the resource, quality assurance and timeliness, as well as related quality control and life cycle management processes.

Do not confuse with

  • contactPoint: provides an avenue for users to obtain further information or provide feedback about the described resource or its metadata. It might or might not be the same entity as the issuing body.

  • creator: the business entity (department, agency, board, commission, etc.) primarily responsible for the creation of the content of the resource.


The publisher is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the content of the described resource. Publishers may include provincial departments, agencies, boards, commissions, or delegated administrative organisations. In the Government Data Catalogue context, creator and publisher may be the same organisation, but this may not always be the case.

If the information product has more than one publisher, choose the first one listed. When there is more than one publisher and they are not listed on the resource, choose the body which comes first alphabetically.

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

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