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Property: summary

_A short textual summary of the resource with a maximum length of 250 characters. _

URI: rdfs:comment

Obligation and Cardinality

The table below details the classes which use this property and the conditions of its use.

Class Range Obligation Cardinality
CataloguedResource String
Regex pattern: ^.{1,250}$
Recommended One
DataService String
Regex pattern: ^.{1,250}$
Recommended One
Dataset String
Regex pattern: ^.{1,250}$
Recommended One

Usage Notes


The intended use of this text is in a page containing multiple search results where a short one sentence or so summary is needed.

If omitted, the first part of the description text will be used. This may be up to a certain character count or the detection of a paragraph break, it is up to the application to decide.

Do not confuse with

  • description: to capture a full overview of the data asset


The summary will be used where a short text overview of the data asset is required, e.g. in a page of search results. It should provide an idea of what the data asset provides but not give full details. Conciseness is key.

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

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